Saturday, September 27, 2003

Dear other people

Hey, Jeannie and Laurel especially, I believe you did say that the "web ring thing" was a cool idea. The thing is, it won't work if there are only one or two blogs in it (Gilbert has signed up). So, please you two, just add your blogs to the list, and add a little code to your site (which won't take long), and you'll make me and everyone happy. (And try to get other CHS bloggers as well perhaps by posting a small message to your blog).

I'm sorry if I seem irritating/annoying/bothersome. I don't mean to be.


Friday, September 26, 2003

Haha, this is great.

I just got hold of a letter to me marked "Time Sensitive Material" and dated September 13, 2003 (it might have gotten to my house a few days ago). It has a letter inside:
Dear Seth:

Please allow me to commend you on your superior level of academic achievement that you have demonstrated throughout your first three years of high school. Based on information you shared with the College Board as well as your recent scores on the SAT I, I would encourage you to consider seriously two nationally-recognized programs available to our most highly qualified, intellectually curious, and actively involved students.
It is from their Office of Admissions and includes an application for their honors program.

Excuse me? First three years of high school? What happened to the fourth? And does "recent" mean "a year ago" in reference to SAT scores?

Really. I feel somewhat like applying without enclosing money and only my name and "" email address on there and see if they get the hint.

Web ring!

Okay, I have started a web ring from a place whose advertising only EVER shows up (and then only a very small ad on the bottom; no pop-ups) on the "list all" and "join" functions.

The HTML is completely customizable, so you can make it blend seamlessly with your site. You will get it when you join the web ring. A few notes:
1. It needs a real email address, but don't give them your main one, as there is always the chance of spam (even though they say they won't give/sell/rent it)
2. I ask that, if you modify your code, to keep all of the links and the small image. Feel free to change the other colors, font sizes, etc.
3. Please put the web ring code somewhere in your "links" sidebar where it will be fairly obvious (you can take our page as an example)
4. Click the join button ASAP if you have a blog (and are a former/current CHS student)!
5. When filling out the title when you apply, please set your blog's title to be:
__a. for an individual blog, your name and graduating (high school) class year (i.e. "Gilbert Huang [2006]")
__b. for a group blog, the group site title and majority of the people's graduating class year (i.e. "Black Smokers! [2003]")

So tell me what you think about all this (in the comments box here) and sign up... today! (This offer can't wait! Call within the next 15 minutes and we'll give you 20% off!!!)

*Edit* Addendum: I've decided that, if you like your blog's title (and it's an individual blog) that you can/should submit the site title like this: "Gilbert Huang (El Blog) [2006]"


I was kind of thinking that it might be a cool idea to start a free, unobtrusive "web ring" of the people who have been in / are in CHS (i.e. a small piece of code that will let one click between different blogs of people that would reside in, say, the sidebar instead of [or in addition to] the Laurel blog, etc. links).

Things that would be necessary for this to work:

No ads between site clicks (I would never use it if it did)
Takes up little space on the side
Free (or very very cheap)
We'd really need to get the cooperation of all (or most) of the former CHS-ians
We couldn't discriminate against people whose blogs (or selves) we don't like ?

Just some thoughts. Please comment and tell me if this sounds like a good idea to you.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Not all Aggies are stupid...

...but, of course, some are.

In one of the cafeterias here (Sbisa Dining Hall) there is an array of milk dispensers on the wall (or whatever). The dispensers serve 2%, skim, whole, and chocolate milk.

So this one girl comes up to me, points at the label that says "2% Milk" and says, "Does this mean it's 1% ?"

I respond, "Nooo...."

She asks, "Well, do they serve 1% milk then?" as if there weren't labels right in front of her face telling her what they have.

I say, "No, but you can make 1%."

She looks confused and asks again, "So this is 1% milk then?"

I, beginning to lose my patience, say, "You can make 1% milk by averaging 2% and skim milk."

She looks at me confused, and I repeat what I said once again. I then condescendingly say, "Fill half of your cup with 2% and the other half with skim, and you will have 1% milk." She starts filling her cup, and...
[Exit Seth]

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Life goes on...

It's kind of depressing to get out a pack of sliced roast beef only to discover iridescent green stuff growing on it. Or moldy bread and cheese.

Welcome to the real world.
(Hi there, real world!)
(Nice to meet you, Seth!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

New poll, old results, same deal.

Once upon a time, or maybe twice, there was an unearthly paradise called... Pepperland. What is your favorite character from the Beatles' Yellow Submarine?
Blue Meanies!12%
The Nowhere Man1429%
Old Fred24%
The Dreadful Flying Glove!2042%
Total Votes: 48

Monday, September 22, 2003

Hey Felix!

Someone from the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory did a search for "Felix Huang" princeton and found the blog here! How odd.

If you thought Kikkoman was weird...

...then you need to take a look at this, the last in a series of posts about Japanese singing eggplants made by a group that...

...dang. It's just too complex. Dave Barry will help clear things up.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

5000 visitors!

Well, we received our 5000th visit by someone in Hong Kong. Amazing.