Friday, October 10, 2003

On a non-religion note...

Dr. nikssaY, impressed with my test score, asked me if I wanted to participate in the Putnam exam (that big national math one).

I know I didn't do very well at all in the high school exams, and since Adam always made the highest scores, :-) I wanted his (and that of anyone else good at math or knowledgeable about the test) general opinion on the difficulty of the test and the feasibility of my taking it.

I did look at one of the practice tests, and it looks impossibly hard to me.

He also suggested that I might want to do a double major in NUEN/MATH. What is with professors and wanting me to double major? :-)

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Arnold Wins!

Ha ha! The reasons I wanted him to win were to spite everyone else and also to just make fun of Californians in general. :-)

"I'm horrified at the thought that Schwarzenegger can be our governor," said Gretchen Purser, 25, of Berkeley, who voted against recall. "I'm sick of Republicans trying to take over the state."

Hahahahahaha! Oh, yeah, those wily, sneaky Republicans are trying to take over the state with their evil robotic Austrians! Ha ha ha! Err....

I'm disappointed that TBS Superstation was playing Sylvester Stallone movies instead of Schwarzenegger ones.

We Meanies only take No for an answer!

Hey, how about a non-legally-binding confession that I just violated the DMCA? Sure!

I just copied the soundtrack off my Yellow Submarine DVD and converted it to a series of MP3s so I can listen to the movie on my iPod. Yay!

What? What?!? WHAT?!? The Glove is losing his touch!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Aah, the joy of translators:

Here is what happens when you take an ordinary phrase and translate it back and forth into Japanese with Babelfish. Japanese-reading peoples, eat your heart out!

Soy sauce makes fish taste good.
The soy sauce can point to the taste of the fish well.
As for the soy sauce it is possible to point to the taste of the fish
Because of the soy sauce it is possible to point to the taste of the
healthy fish.

(And no, I didn't do it all manually. There is a silly program that does this automatically.)