This is so incredibly wacko.
I was remarking to myself that the only Shakespeare that I had memorized was due to some random craziness at the end of "I Am the Walrus" (a distinctly strange song by the Beatles). At the end of that song, you could very faintly hear some voices in the background and partway through the song, including the quotation: "A serviceable villain, as duteous to the vices of thy mistress as badness would desire." "What, is he dead?" "Sit you down, father, rest you."
For maybe two years I wondered what the
heck that was. Then, senior year, we read King Lear. After reading the first few acts, I thought that this might be where that stuff was from! Lo and behold, it
Part II of this post
Anyway, I thought that was kinda odd, so I thought I'd post it here, and I wanted a link to the part of King Lear where this came from. So, I did a search for
"king lear" "a servicable villain", mistakenly misspelling "servicable." One of the links that came up was rather strange.
It's rather coincidental that the slight misspelling of a word like that may lead me in a full circle back to what I started out with. One of the three links that came up was this:
Paul is dead?!? It's rather strange, and has some pretty odd stuff in it. A small excerpt is this:
The word "Beatles" when held to a mirror is actually a phone number! The number is: 2317438. When my friends and I called this number way back then, we'd get this strange, cryptic message "You're getting closer.." and then the call would cut off abruptly.
It's more like 1337-speak. 8347135=BEATLES Oooh, creepy!