I feel random
As a lab aide, I learned:
- How to pour stuff without spilling
- How to set things on fire
without Mrs. Jones noticingsafely - That iron filings are really cool in a glass plate on a magnetic stirrer
- That Mrs. Jones' sink can make a real big mess sometimes
- That acetone is flammable
- That it's not a good idea to be playing with a lighter while the other lab aide is using acetone to help scrape a label off of a bottle
- That bending an orange-hot glass stirring rod into the first letter of your first name is really cool
- To make sure that the cap on the bottle of conc. HCl is really tight before tilting it over to put in the acid cabinet
- That hydrogen effuses out of latex gloves overnight
- That filling up a latex glove with the gaseous product of a Zn and HCl reaction and lighting it can make the glove jump a few feet in the air
- That the plastic grating at the bottom of the sink is, in fact, plastic, and can therefore melt
- That pouring too much water into the lab sinks can make it leak into the classroom below
- That the zinc pyrotechnic demonstration looks totally awesome but is a mess to clean up
- That a screwdriver and a little knowledge can increase the flow rate tenfold of a bic lighter
- To never leave a latex glove filled with colored water near Chris Simpson
- Lots more that will come to me later.