Saturday, May 17, 2003

Here's something you might find somewhat relevant: "Search Results Clogged by Blogs".

On a similar note, I used one of those online thingies to upload my site to a few search engines and submitted our site to, so it's on (search for "black smokers" and "science bowl") and probably a few other places. I just submitted our site to the Yahoo category that I think is most appropriate: Geek Houses, or a group of people with similar interests, from what I can tell.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Oh, I also took the evil quiz. I am

Hey, we need to get Michelle Milburn to take the militant feminist quiz. Caution: some material is not appropriate for chilluns.
I took it too. I myself am

Okay, I was sick of Laurel being referred to as "God" (which apparently was her nickname [go figure]) so now our full names show up - except for Laurel's name, which only has "Laurel." Maybe she has no parents...
Hehe, I was looking for the lyrics to "Particle Man" (so I could change it from "particle" to "invisible" and turn it in as a poem that directly alludes to a book we've read). I noticed that there were comments, and I wondered what type of comments people would make about the song. Well, the results were rather funny, as it appears to be people reading deeply into the song.

Particle man represents Science in general, and the limitations of it. Science has yet to know and explain many things. Triangle man is religion as in, how religion is made and used my man. A lot of orthodox religious people hate Science (particle man). In the past, religion fought Science (the Inquisition and Galileo, etc) and won. Universe man is God himself, beyond the other "characters" of the song, watching all of time pass. Person man is easy, simply the common man, living a miserable life with the threat of damnation (frying pan) constantly being hurled at him. Religion seems to be fighting man, breaking his will, instead of supporting him.

At least, this is the interpretation I see.
Hey, I'm working on that English assignment where one of the several choices of what to do is two 14+ line poems. I thought up a limerick, but it's only 5 lines (surprise!). It still be funny though.

A young AP student named Seth
Did once read a play called MacBeth.
A Shakespeare it was,
And so, just because,
The ending was riddled with death.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Wacko... this is one of the weirdest serious error messages that I've ever gotten from a web page:

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

I was kinda bored, so I thought of some more "__ as in ______"s. Here they are (some are a bit old):
A as in Aesop
C as in cnidarian
E as in eulogy
G as in gnat
J as in jalape�o
K as in knight
P as in psychology
T as in Tseng
Hmm... we had that senior salute stuff tonight. What really stinks is that I got picked for "Academic Achievement: PE Team Sports." This is because EVERY OTHER KID IN THAT CLASS IS A FREAKING JUVENILE DELINQUENT FRESHMAN DROPOUT! Jeez. Well, at least it wasn't "Academic Achievement: PE Bodybulding." The audienced laughed at the guy who got that.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Hey, we just finished taking the Physics AP test. I owned the mechanics part, but a lot of the E&M was nasssty. I especially didn't like the E&M multiple choice. Oh well; I still think I'll prob'ly get 5s on both of them.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Remember the NOSB question about the "infamous" exploding whale that had to be cleaned up by the highway services? If not, here is what happened.

The question was at the national ocean sciences bowl in La Jolla, CA. It went something like, "Who was responsible for cleaning up the mess of the infamous exploding whale incident?" It was multiple choice, like
W. the Coast Guard
X. Park & Recreations Services or something
Y. Oregon State Highway Division
Z. something

The other team (La Jolla) guessed W and got it wrong; I buzzed in and guessed Y (since it was so ridiculous) and got it right! It was really funny.

Well, I ...ahem... wrote a commemorative poem. Also, believe it or not, here is a video of what happened! Ha ha ha! If nothing else, you need to read the Dave Barry article about it at!

A Whale Deferred

What happens to a whale deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat
Or crust and sugar over
Like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?