Hehe, I was looking for the lyrics to "Particle Man" (so I could change it from "particle" to "invisible" and turn it in as a poem that directly alludes to a book we've read). I noticed that there were comments, and I wondered what type of comments people would make about the song. Well, the results were rather funny, as it appears to be people reading deeply into the song.
Particle man represents Science in general, and the limitations of it. Science has yet to know and explain many things. Triangle man is religion as in, how religion is made and used my man. A lot of orthodox religious people hate Science (particle man). In the past, religion fought Science (the Inquisition and Galileo, etc) and won. Universe man is God himself, beyond the other "characters" of the song, watching all of time pass. Person man is easy, simply the common man, living a miserable life with the threat of damnation (frying pan) constantly being hurled at him. Religion seems to be fighting man, breaking his will, instead of supporting him.
At least, this is the interpretation I see.
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