Saturday, August 09, 2003

New poll!

Old results:

How do you like your crab best?
Free, in the ocean510%
In my aquarium12%
On my dinner plate1121%
In my mouth, alive!!2344%

Friday, August 08, 2003

New poll, anyone?

The current one is becoming tiresome. New ideas would be appreciated. Leave a comment.

To us

Susan says:
Hey! This isn't really relevant to this particular post, but do any of you guys have written rules for 80? I vaguely recall Adam saying that he had typed them up. I need to start teaching people how to play so I can still have my 80-fix since you guys are leaving soon (sniff!) and the Young Ones are fleeing the nest (aka orchestra-my last tie to them! so very sad). Hehe, anyways, please get back to me somehow!
Yes, we ended up writing the rules. I don't know a good place to host them online though. I can email them to you, though.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Potentially interesting...

This reference, shamelessly pulled from Slashdot, looks kind of interesting:
"By correlating the results of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, astronomers have confirmed the existence of dark energy.While gravity attracts, dark energy repels, so by comparing the positions of millions of galaxies and their red-shifts with the temperature map of the early universe, evidence was found for dark energy on the scale of 100 million light years."Dark energy, whatever it is, is something that is not attracted by gravity" said David Spergel, a Princeton University cosmologist and a member of the WMAP science team."We are finding that most of the stuff in our universe is abnormal in that it is gravitationally repulsive rather than gravitationally attractive," said Albert Stebbins of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, a switch that happened about 6.3 billion years ago, before which the expansion was decelerating."


That is an incomprehensible asininity!

I don't know what specifically is, but it sounds like a very classy put-down.


If you didn't know, a mirror is a duplicate of another web site hosted on a different web server in case the main server goes down.

Here is a mirror to Google in a rather different sense.


IN SOVIET RUSSIA... television watches you!

Courtesy of Yakov Smirnoff

The lottery

I was reading an article about how Texas might include some new multi-million dollar lottery that might bring in revenue of about $300 million a year. It was then that I realized that the lottery can be interpreted as a tax on stupid people.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

More searches!

And in such short a time!

teen girl squad possums, black smokers info (science), and significance of black smokers.

Search craziness!

Wow, the hits keep rolling in. Recently, we've had seth mahler, bodybuilding souveniers, "sleeping with his eyes" funny, seth wakeboarding, and of course, ugly smokers. Fun fun!

Oh, a final update for Laurel; all better now. No further updates. ;-)

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Re: Ugly Smokers

So many people have mistakenly visited our blog searching for "ugly smokers" that I have added a small portion on the right-hand side to explain that we have nothing to do with ugly smokers at all.

Thank you for precipitating all this, Laurel.

Monday, August 04, 2003

More news from teh science front

Japanese scientists have developed a device that produces power from the glucose in human blood. Nifty.

Oh, and an update for Laurel. Not as sore as earlier, but not all the way better. ;-)

Interesting article

If you're wondering about copyrights, etc., here is an article about how tremendously screwed up the copyright system is. You should take a look-see.

Sunday, August 03, 2003


My train of thought randomly took me to Laurel's latest post on her blog, where she and her brother are talking about 1337speak, where Laurel calls her brother a n00b.

I thought the best way to end that post would be to say:
"This episode of Sesame Street was brought to you by the letter 3."

Very clever, am I not?

I'm back!

If you're wondering why I wasn't at ultimate, here's the answer.
If you didn't wonder, here's the answer too.
I'm not very particular about these sort of things.

Anyway, I just got back from my family reunion. I had a great time. Since it's outdoors (we have to tent) and there is no AC, a lot of our activity revolves around the San Marcos river which is part of the property there. I went on three 2-hour tubing trips, swam around in the swimming hole, went off the big swing (featuring a perhaps 25-foot drop into the middle of the river), and floated a quarter mile sans tube.

So, I had a good time, yet thanks to the tremendously high drops from the big swing, my upper gluteus is quite sore. And my arm, too. And this is even though most of the shock was transmitted through my sandaled feet.

On the way to the swimming hole, I used my mad phyzziks skillz and calculated (in my head in about 10 seconds, thank you Mrs. Walker) the centripetal acceleration present at the bottom of the swing: a=(2gh)/(r). Maybe that might be around (2*9.8*7)/(10) or about 1.5 G's (added to the one G of gravity, of course). But that's an incredibly horrendous approximation.

Whatever. This is also why I didn't do ultimate tonight.