Friday, May 23, 2003
Okay, I added Debbie's blog to our links on the left. Warning: it is the most painful web site in existence! Anyhow, she needs to link to ours in return. And she need not call our blog painful.
My last day of high school is now over! Pretty cool. Now I'm home and I'm not feeling too well (I haven't been feeling well the last 24 hours or so). I didn't need to come to school at all today, but it was a matter of honor, so I showed up. :-) Umm.... graduation is next friday, so that'll be cool. As of now, no more finals! No more school! Bwahaha!
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Yesssss!! Only one more day of school! Wa-hoo!! Man, but I still have to do stuff in team sports. We have to run 10 laps or some trash like that for a final, which I am exempting anyways! Jeez. Other than that, life is peachy!
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Hey, I had some info about a job at the gulf core repository, so this morning I went there to talk to one "Phil Rumford." Lo and behold, it was the "little beasties" dude that we met on our tour of the Repository! Very cool. It looks like a decent job, so I may be wrapping cores and working with databases this summer.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Hey, the school board meeting was just like every other except it was at the high school in the auditorium. Um, if you want to do the tie-dying on Thursday, pick up a bag of the sodium carbonate from Mrs. Jones tomorrow. Did any of you get a copy of the book reviews from Mrs. Davis? I didn't. But I really don't care either. Whoops, I just remembered that I have to bring the $40 AP late fee thing tomorrow. Make sure to bring yours. Bye.
Hey, we national science bowlers are supposed to be recognized at a school board meeting tonight in the lecture hall at our school. So, uh, whatever. I RSVP'd already. Even if you didn't, show up.
Monday, May 19, 2003
I'm just pondering how great a contribution to our blog michael has made... Here is the sum of his posts:
(testing again)
:: michael 11:08:08 PM ::
(testing something)
:: michael 10:59:22 PM ::
i made a post
now i've made 2!
:: michael 10:56:45 PM ::
what's up guys!
:: michael 10:55:12 PM ::
Okay, our new guestbook is free of ads. Yay. Stupid bravenet. }:)-< Ooh, I just made a new emoticon. Is it a wacky dude, or a snake? Hmmm....
Oh, Michelle Milburn took the militant feminist quiz and scored 80% militant feminist. And she says she was being serious too. I can't say that it doesn't surprise me, but it's very scary none-the-less.
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Laurel, if you wouldn't mind, you can change your nickname back to a real nickname at (click on the "Edit your profile" button) and then we can all go back to a first-name basis.
Okay, I thought up a second stanza for my limerick. And a third one. They grow progressively less good, but that's because what I want to get grows more limited.
"At Least 14 Lines Long: A Three-Stanza Limerick"
A young AP student named Seth
Did once read a play called MacBeth.
A Shakespeare it was,
And so, just because,
The ending was riddled with death.
Another play that he had read
Was Hamlet. And often he said,
"It's tragedy, yes?
And so, you can guess,
That everyone winds up as dead."
King Lear is an old man who tries
To rule fair and justly, but lies
From his two evil daughters
Who ought to be slaughtered
Fool him; he goes mad and dies.
"At Least 14 Lines Long: A Three-Stanza Limerick"
A young AP student named Seth
Did once read a play called MacBeth.
A Shakespeare it was,
And so, just because,
The ending was riddled with death.
Another play that he had read
Was Hamlet. And often he said,
"It's tragedy, yes?
And so, you can guess,
That everyone winds up as dead."
King Lear is an old man who tries
To rule fair and justly, but lies
From his two evil daughters
Who ought to be slaughtered
Fool him; he goes mad and dies.
Oh, Ruvin was talking to me the other day and he thought we should come up with an emoticon for my trademark image:
This could completely drive one insane after looking at it (them?) enough. It worked for me.
So, we eventually came up with this:
Startling likeness, eh? Toodles. Heh heh. That's a funny word. My 11-year-old brother randomly said it the other day. Funny. Bye now.

This could completely drive one insane after looking at it (them?) enough. It worked for me.
So, we eventually came up with this:
Startling likeness, eh? Toodles. Heh heh. That's a funny word. My 11-year-old brother randomly said it the other day. Funny. Bye now.