Saturday, July 05, 2003


I believe it was Adam who was wondering about the way the Global Positioning System works. Here is an article explaining all of this:

How Stuff Works: GPS Recievers

This article explains Differential GPS, which was another thing that I mentioned.

(By the way, I was right, and you were wrong, nanny nanny boo boo... :-) )

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Dear Laurel,

If I were a cannibal, I'd eat me too!

(Licking my chops),

P.S. Sorry about being hostile, but I'd heard people being called carnivores one too many times. And your diction wasn't the issue; the issue was word choice. The only reason you would use the word "carnivore" in that context is if you were used to describing non-vegetarians like that in real life.

Also, the reason that my first response looked eloquent or whatever is because I wanted to spend some time thinking about it and try not to make it too offensive. Obviously, that didn't happen.

A slight misunderstanding (courtesy of Laurel)

Dear Laurel,

Which of us are carnivores?

Unless I am much mistaken and the definition of the -vores have been changed in the past few years, we are something called "omnivores." That means we are physically adapted to eating both meat and plants.

Were there lions or tigers in the BVSO? Since it is pretty obvious that there were not any present, I assume that you meant to call a human a "carnivore." That is very stupid of you, Laurel. Your calling a person a "carnivore" is akin to someone's calling you a "herbivore." Or just a "vegetable." Obviously, you are neither.

Did your professors at UC Berkeley teach you this?

Seth the Omnivore

P.S. If you presume to think that I am very irked by your misnomer, you should keep one thing in mind: I'm not afraid of vegetarians or being called a "carnivore," and I'm not a blowhard conservative. I'm showing the same frustration that is present in moments like when, in the movie The Core, the earth-ship comes up through a tectonic plate boundary off the coast of Hawaii. It is just nonsense.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

A change of plans

I had previously mentioned the idea of our getting together this Friday/Saturday.

Whoops! No can do. I'm going to be in Waco with relatives for the Fourth of July.

Sorry if this ruined anyone's life.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

AP Scores!!

Well, I actually purchased my AP Scores, with the excuse that I wouldn't have gotten them before my New Student Conference, so now I know better what courses I don't have to take. :-)

So, although they aren't spectacular and probably aren't as good as the rest of yours, here they are (Credit is credit hours given at Texas A&M):

AP TestAP ScoreCredit
English Language33
English Literature4+3
Calculus BC58
AB subscore50
Physics: Mechanics54
Physics: E&M54

Along with my AP scores from last year...

AP TestAP ScoreCredit
Spanish Language38

...I have a total of 44 hours before I even start college! Yum.

I'm working on it now...

Okay, you people. I had some requests to finish up my account of the trip, so I'm doing that now. So there, Adam.

Monday, June 30, 2003

More fun searches....

The journeys of several more strange people have caused them to come upon our web site. In other words, the boxes under our "search" thing on the right are growing more numerous. Dum dum duuummmm!

Also, on the topic of conspiracies, the one whose domain name evaluates to DUSTIN keeps visiting our blog. I am intrigued. I think that it is actually Laurel. It's really weird that the comment tracker gets your domain name ( right but the counter thinks that you are DUSTIN. That is quite odd.


I said I would write up part 3 of our journey, but I didn't.

My bad!


Sorry, but by order of the A&M CIS department (an unseen order, actually) I am taking my personal web server offline. Sorry! That means that you, Laurel, must visit sometime. Also, I still have your NHS collar hostage. Mwa ha ha!

One more time now...

Okay, Laurel. This time, downloading the election video should work for real. Really. So download it .