Wednesday, November 19, 2003

A modest proposal

I'm thinking that we move new posts and stuff to Patrick's new, happy MetaJournal. It has some pretty nifty features (including some pretty nice search ability, integrated commenting, private posts, and relations) that might make it worth switching to. Also, Patrick wants more bloggers and visitors, so this seems like a good way. Patrick has a real commitment to improving the thing (he works on it a lot and takes new feature requests), so I think it's worth a shot. The slight downsides are: the page isn't quite as customizable (I have to format the entries with CSS instead of HTML or whatever), you need to sign up for a new account (a quick an easy process), and we would have to bother the people with links to our blog to move them to the new site (even though I could put an obvious message saying it in the html template).

Anyway, Felix and I think it's a pretty good idea, but we're not the only ones who use this blog. I think. In the meantime, anyone who wants a funky new blog (certainly better than Xanga, LiveJournal, and whatever others) should sign up.


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