Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Just for fun

Just for fun, I sent a "wish request" to the Blogger peoples.
As you are undoubtedly aware, TrackBack ( is a system allowing blogs to reference each other (more specifically, entries from different blogs can reference each other) as a form of advanced commenting.

Implementing this system in Blogger would be a revolution in interconnectivity. Any Blogger blogger could easily comment on any other blog with the added advantage of not having the comment hidden behind a small, Javascript-generated link. Also, since few blogs provide the trackback service for free, it would encourage more people to sign up for a Blogger blog if only to comment on the blogs of other people. This would additionally remove the need to have a dedicated Blogger-hosted commenting system.

I realize that due to the static nature of Blogger pages, this might not be possible. If it were though, it might very well influence more bloggers to use Blogger as their blog of choice.

Seth Johnson


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