Monday, November 03, 2003

Guess what day it is...

It's ENGR 211-rant Monday! (Just a short one today.)

Okay, so today we got our tests back - the tests we had taken almost a MONTH ago. The grade distribution was rougly as follows: the average was 65.5, so the grades were mostly failing, and the top 6 grades (the only B's) were 89, 88, 85, 85, and like 82 and 80. This was out of about 72 people.

Our professor's curve was basically, "88-100 is an A, 76-87 is a B, 64-75 is a C, 52-63 is a D." This would mean that only 2 people out of 72 would get A's on the test, and since his curve would be bringing up the bottom people, the class average might be boosted to a C, albeit without having a bell-curve-resembling distribution.

This is especially maddening since I was one of the 85's: the 3rd-highest grade in the class, and I don't even get an A!

After he went over the test some, our professor (once again, surprise, surprise) tried to work a homework problem - and failed.

At least today, he "taught" us conservation of mechanical energy. I swear, the way he wants us to do stuff in that class is detrimental. I can honestly say that this is the first class that has made me forget more than I learned: I am now even unable to do the kinematics problem the good ol' Walker/AP Physics way - which actually WORKED.



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