A few things going on this weekend
(Not like any of you care)
- I slept in until 3 PM on Saturday (yay for wasting the whole day)
- There was a big thunderstorm here last night and there were some very close lightning strikes. The thunder sounded like a big electrical discharge on a much larger scale (i.e. like a big discharge on a Van de Graff generator instead of the rumble rumble of distant thunder). The sky was lit up green by some of the strikes. It was neat (and scary).
- I stayed up until 5 in the morning (doing some calculus, listening to the thunder, and playing games).
- I have a 5-page research paper to do today on radioactive waste disposal that has been assigned for a month.
- I have a test in NUEN 201 that I REALLY need to do well on.
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