Thursday, September 04, 2003

Resolution of my computer stuff

Yesterday, I went back up to the ODP where they kindly let me use their computers to check out my drive to see if it would work at all. It refused to do anything besides spin up, so I was advised to see if it might have a warranty of its own that might be in effect.

Well, after being redirected and redirected and redirected (over both web and phone; I was led back and forth between IBM and Hitachi about three times), I got a response from a tech person saying that it didn't have a warranty of its own.

So, I just purchased a new, 40 GB (as opposed to my old 20), higher speed drive that will hopefully last a lot longer. With luck, everything should be peachy in just a few days.

Oh, and I have a nice, dandy new paperweight. It's my old hard drive, if you couldn't figure it out. Yeah. That's what I thought.


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