Saturday, August 16, 2003

This is entertaining

Remember how Felix posted the Doonesbury quote? Someone then linked to our site through a search for that quote:
Hilarious irony at work:
Some person just came to our web site through a google for "I'M A PICTURE OF PAMELA ANDERSON. I'M DEMI MOORE.". I looked at the search, and there are two other blogs that feature the phrase. One of them led me to a link to the comic that Felix referenced.
The same person came back and posted a comment on that quote:

Yeah, it was probably me, since I cut-and-pasted the search phrase from my own blog ("I WANT TO EAT A NUT OF LAERMA"... a phrase from the old Sega game Phantasy Star, if you're curious) and it was from the "HEADLINE", so it was in caps. Just curious to see how many blogs took Garry Trudeau's bait... it's up to 5 now.

Steve Brandon

Rather funny, actually.


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