Sunday, July 06, 2003

SmarterChild II: The Return of Smarterchild!

Heh. My AIM client will let me auto-reply to a message every time someone sends me one. I had some fun with Eric Capps and Felix with this, and then I had the brilliant idea of doing it to SmarterChild. Here is the result:
AIM IM with Smarterchild

2:12 PM

Seth Johnson: Hello?

Smarterchild: Hi sethrj, I'm SmarterChild!

I'm your new robot friend.

May I ask you a few general questions? (To do this later, type "skip." You can also skip any question.)

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I need to know if I can ask you some questions first. Type "yes," "no" or "skip."

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: OK! I guess that means you don't want to answer any questions. That's cool. If you ever change your mind, type "interview me."

There is one question I have to ask you, though. How old are you?

1 Over 17

2 13-17

3 Under 13

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I don't recognize that. Please tell me your age in years.

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I don't recognize that. Please tell me your age in years.

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I don't recognize that. Please tell me your age in years.

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I don't recognize that. Please tell me your age in years.

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I don't recognize that. Please tell me your age in years.

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: Hello.

Smarterchild: Sorry, I don't recognize that. Please tell me your age in years.

Seth Johnson: 17

Smarterchild: Cool!

Here are the things you can do:

You can make your window bigger and scroll down to read better.

Next time you want to see this menu, just type "home."

What can I help you with?

Seth Johnson: Nothing, thanks.

Smarterchild: Hey, no problem.

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: How are you?

Smarterchild: I'm doing great, how are you?

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: How are you?

Smarterchild: I'm doin' alright, sethrj. How 'bout you?

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: How are you?

Smarterchild: I'm doing great! You?

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: How are you?

Smarterchild: I'm doing well. How 'bout you, sethrj?

Sent auto-reply:

Seth Johnson: How are you?

Smarterchild: I'm doing well.

Sent auto-reply:

The AIM service could not send the message: You have sent too much data too quickly. Please wait a little while before sending more.

The AIM service could not send the message: You have sent too much data too quickly. Please wait a little while before sending more.


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