Monday, July 28, 2003


We're cleaning some stuff at my house, and some of those things are old papers of mine from when I was about 3 to 6 years old. I thought you guys might find a few of the things I found funny (or at least interesting), because I sure do (I have kept the spelling and capitalization as true to the original as possible).

One of my papers that I wrote when I was three featured some kind of proto-writing. It had real letters (for the most part) but made no sense. Here is the sample:
I thought that was pretty odd.

At the end of kindergarten (I was 5), I composed a poem: "I see the Sun. Summer is fun!" I don't know if it was supposed to be a poem or what, but I had obviously mastered masculine rhyme, meter, and even alliteration. I amaze myself. :-)

I remember that at the beginning of first grade, we were led into a primitive computer lab to type on a computer and print out our stories. This is a monospaced, dot-matrix story that I wrote (I was barely six).
Once upon a time tnare was a germ
named backtirea and and the good
backtirea. The good backtirea and
the human body was fiting aginst the
bad backteria and some otheor
germs. Once thare was a boy who was
sick.The good backtirea came
undergrond to the little boys house
and he neddid to be in the human
body to have the human body
to make the human body on its team.

Umm, I probably embarrassed myself, but oh well. I got a kick out of reading that stuff, so I wanted to give you all some entertainment too.


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