Friday, July 11, 2003

Other random, interesting stuff from our trip

(sorry, but I can't directly link to pictures because of the free image service I use, so you have to manually paste them into your url bar; also, I added a line break in the middle of each because the URLs are way too long)

1. We made up weird nicknames for each other. They are as follows:

Michael "Lazy" Adams
Meredith "What's-her-face" Gardner
Felix "Extraordinary" Huang ("X" for short)
Kristen "Mom" Jones
Seth "G.R." Johnson (we couldn't decide on "Great" or "Grand" so we chose GR)
Adam "Monster" Wang

(By the way, three of those nicknames make more sense if you view them as nickname and last name together.)

2. We got a picture of Felix sleeping with his eyes open (that's really him, and he's really sleeping)

3. We played "80" with nine decks, making it "240." That was about the weirdest hand I have ever played.

4. The fancy hotel we stayed in, the French Quarter Inn, served Jelly Bellies around-the-clock in addition to offering periodic fancy snacks / alcoholic beverages for free.

5. We were bored; we took a picture of Michael; I was bored again on my computer later on; here is the result.


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